Tuesday, February 18, 2014

#21DSD ~ Day 14: "Culinary delights"

Whether it was the yummy recipes, less time in the kitchen or simply getting over the lack of sugar...today was awesome!!  Everything was on high alert.  I felt more energized and positive and less hungry.
Today I got it right.  

Even with my late night of cooking, I woke up refreshed and ready to take on the day.  All day I felt like superwoman....now before you start thinking I need to take a dose of humility please reference the last three blog posts.  I worked hard to get to today.  I deserved it and I enjoyed it.

Day 14


Vanilla Bean n Banana Oatmeal.  Of course!  I loved it as always but was bummed that I forgot the nuts.  You know how crazy I am about my nuts.  I was thoroughly disappointed.


I can't say enough about lunch.  I cooked this one up last night.  It looked yummy.  It smelled yummy.  It tasted amazing!  I'm so glad I have even more leftovers of this soup waiting in my fridge.  It's called Mexican Chicken Chowder and it's from a new cookbook by Danielle Walker called Against All Grain.  I was so excited when this awesome little book showed up on my front doorstep.  (Love you Amazon Prime)  I just had to pull a recipe from it for this week's menu planning.  


I had a Granny Smith apple with almond butter. I wasn't even very hungry for it but figured I should try to stay out in front of my hunger today.  Lesson learned.  Note:  hubby packed away some homemade crackers I made last night.  I was so delighted when he called AND e-mailed to tell me how much he enjoyed them.  Now that's a winner.  Can't wait for my turn with those tomorrow.


Another favorite...Shrimp Pad Thai (and chicken).  I love this recipe because I can pull out my nifty little toy.  It's a vegetable noodle maker and it works miracles on zucchinis.  Imagine a pasta made out of zucchinis.  What can be healthier than that?  Even better, it's super easy to put together and turns out noodles in minutes.  I realize I'm beginning to sound like an infomercial, but for just $29.95 +shipping and handling you can change your life.  Just look at those babies steaming up a storm.  And if that doesn't work for you I have another picture of the end product.   And it was delish!

Another day down and getting in the groove.

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