Friday, February 14, 2014

#21DSD ~ Day 9: "I think I'm going to turn into a nut."

I think I might turn into a nut.  Maybe a Macadamia nut or an Almond nut, but definitely some kind of nut.  The winter storm rolled through leaving me stuck in the house which means my snacking radar was on high alert.  And seeing how my quick grab and go options were limited and I didn’t feel like creating a snack from scratch, I ate a lot of nuts.  Handfuls and handfuls.  I completely lost count and by the time dinner rolled around I wasn’t very hungry.  I don’t know what has gotten into me the last couple of days but I really want to go back in time to Days 1-5 when I felt completely satisfied with each meal and I wasn’t on that emotional rollercoaster of hunger.  To make matters worse, my boys have brought home their Valentine’s candy and are constantly waving it around in my face.  Asking me to hold half-eaten lollipops and open mini packages of chocolate.  You’re killing me!

The meals for the day weren’t bad. 

Day 9

I started whipping up some scrambled eggs and remembered I had a zucchini in the fridge that I hadn’t used yet.  So I chopped that up and added it to the eggs.  I decided to bake the bacon rather than fry it and let me tell you, that was the best bacon I have ever cooked.  Yum!

We had leftover chicken chili from the night before along with a coconut biscuit and a sliced green apple with almond butter.  Super tasty.

Macadamia nuts, hard-boiled egg, Macadamia nuts, Almonds, 2 more Macadamia nuts just to tide me over until dinner.  Almonds dipped in guacamole and a slice of prosciutto.  No wonder I wasn’t hungry for dinner.

Pulled Pork and roasted turnips and broccoli with plenty of leftovers for tomorrow.  Yay for leftovers!  They make life so much easier.

Now, as for Day 10, I want to have words with you.  No more taunting me with my kids’ candy, don’t you dare let me eat gobs and gobs of nuts and please let me go one day without craving endless amounts of food.

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