Monday, February 24, 2014

#21DSD ~ Day 20 "I can't believe I just typed 'Day 20'"

I would say I'm usually the type of person to finish what I start, but if you would have asked me over a week ago if I expected to see Day 20 of this detox I might have been a bit skeptical.  All day today I kept thinking "Wow, I'm really on Day 20."  It feels great to have made it this far.  And, overall, I just feel great after getting over the initial hump that is the first week to week and a half of the detox.
My husband and I have likened this point of the detox to mile 22 of a marathon, except on mile 22 I'm usually wondering how in my right mind I decided to run a marathon, but at this point in the detox I'm actually considering doing it again.  Not now and definitely not next month but soon.  Ideally, I would like to complete the detox at least twice a year.

Today was a nice and easy cruise to the finish.  I had leftovers galore today which allowed me to catch up on some much needed R&R.  I really enjoyed the quick dinner clean-up tonight.  No pots and pans were dirtied and it took just seconds to wipe down the counters.  This is a great way to end the detox.  With one more day to go and enough leftovers to carry me home, I'm really enjoying these last couple days.  Now for the meals:

Day 20 (1 day to go!!!)

Vanilla Bean & Banana Oatmeal I've included the link for those of you who might be interested in this delicious, sugarless alternative for breakfast.  I know I'm going to continue with this one well after the detox is over.

I popped a few homemade crackers before heading out on my run during lunch.

Leftover Curry Chicken and Apple salad along with the leftover homemade crackers.

Green apple and some baby carrots.  I had the green apple earlier in the afternoon.  I noticed I was getting hungry as the day was nearing the end so I munched on some baby carrots during the ride home to stave off any crankiness and the desire to binge on Macadamia nuts while preparing dinner.

Leftover (sensing a theme here) Pizza Frittata and Jambalaya.  I actually filled up on this pretty quickly and was unable to finish dinner.

Well....tomorrow is the very last day of the detox.  I've got leftover oatmeal planned for breakfast, eating out for lunch and a special finale detox recipe planned for dinner.  I can't wait to start my last day.

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