Today was especially challenging. I woke up a raving lunatic and went to bed a tranquilized sugar detoxer. Today was a tough day. I woke up determined to cook my husband enough food to avoid any hunger pangs he could possibly feel. That resulted in two hours of cooking up Sausage "Biscuits" and a "Crustless Quiche" that could be used for days of leftovers down the road. The sausage biscuits were to die for. I scarfed down the biscuits like I hadn't enjoyed a slice of bread in years. I had to gulp down water just to avoid choking on the "carbs."

Then lunch came. I was not looking forward to lunch. So much so that I waited until 2 p.m. to even think about lunch time. I ended up with leftovers of the meatloaf that I made the previous night. With the lack of hunger I ended up waiting until snack time when I really got down to enjoying my food. A slice green apple and almond butter. This is my favorite.
We had guests over for dinner so I went with an easy Chicken Tortilla-less Soup. It was something everyone could enjoy while I could basque in the wonderful idea of cooking a meal that did not require the use of several different cooking tools, hours worth of chopping and even more hours worth of cleaning up. And the meal looked very presentable if I do say so myself. Now I will also have to admit that I googled sugar'less drinks and discovered the vodka, gin and whiskey all fell into that category so I enjoyed a vodka with water and lime. I loved it.
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