Wednesday, February 19, 2014

#21DSD ~ Day 15: "I love my food."

I loved my food so much that I just kept on eating today.  Everything I had planned was delicious.  I found that I was full on several occasions.  I was so full, I literally could not eat another bite.  I really enjoyed the fact that I was now feeling completely satisfied after each meal.  I believe there are two really important factors that have led to this change.  One, I've come across some fantastic, mouth-watering, belly-pleasing recipes.  It just goes to show, you should never get stuck in a rut when it comes to cooking.  Try some new things and you just might hit on a recipe that will make Day 15 of your sugar detox a food heaven.  Second, I'm on Day 15 which means I'm a seasoned veteran now, my body can't remember what it was like to have sugar and I'm totally pumped about the 6 remaining days until I can have my glass of red wine.

Now for the meals.  There aren't a lot of pictures on this post because I ate a lot of leftovers.  If your really curious, just reference yesterday's blog.

Day 15 (6 days to go!)

Breakfast - Leftover Oatmeal and coffee.  Like a good little fiscally responsible girl, I brought my coffee from home.  Imagine my delight when I got to the office and there was a huge container of Starbucks coffee on the grab counter.  I'm a store-bought coffee addict.  Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, doesn't matter...they are all a treat in my mind.  I was feeling particularly spunky today so I sprinkled in some Cinnamon and got to work.

Snack - My favorite part of the day.  Those home-made crackers I was telling you about were everything I dreamed they would be.  I made my own "cheese" dip which consisted of almonds, garlic, fresh chives and some other things I can't remember.  It was delicious and super filling.

Lunch - I barely finished my left overs of Shrimp Pad Thai.  Not because it wasn't good, but because I was still full from my snack.

Dinner - It's great to have supportive friends.  The plan for the evening was to get together and catch up.  I ate an apple before leaving work.  Enjoyed a hot black tea from Starbucks then proceeded to my friend's house.  She had a wonderful array of sugar-free snacks.  Salami, guacamole and some quinoa chips from Trader Joe's.  Loved it! It was such a treat.

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