Sunday, February 23, 2014

#21DSD ~ Day 19: "The last Sunday."

I love this last Sunday. For one, I know I only have to make it through two more days.  Secondly, my grocery shopping didn't require a full week's worth of menu planning which meant a much shorter grocery list.  I was able to skate through the grocery store picking up items on a whim.  Before you start thinking about all the chocolate, cheese and processed foods I picked up, I'll have you know, my self-control was stellar.  Here's a list of the items I bought that we're not included on the detox:

Hummus (this is one of my faves for snacking)
Flour tortillas and cheese for a celebratory dinner on Day 22
Cheerios for my dear husband
2 Gallons of Skim Milk

Believe me, I considered purchasing a bar of chocolate and then thought better of it.  This lifestyle is truly something I want to continue with.  If I start scarfing down M&Ms and Hershey bars it's totally going to defeat the 21 days I dedicated to this thing.

Here are the days meals:

Day 19!  (2 days to go!)
Eggs and bacon.  I even added a couple handfuls of Spinach to the eggs for a little extra nutrition.

Leftover Curry Chicken and Apple Salad.  It was definitely better the second time around

Now for my favorite of the day!  Pizza frittata.  Two things impressed me about this meal.  It was extremely flavorful and my little guy couldn't get enough of it.  This one is going down as the first kid-friendly recipe on the detox.

After dinner, I got down to cooking for the week whipping up some oatmeal and homemade crackers.  This was my last cooking hurrah of the detox.  I'm looking forward to a break from slaving away at the stove.

Until tomorrow!

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