Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Cast away your idols of silver and gold!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
The Humanity in Running...
What are you running for if it isn’t for yourself? Is it for some deep seeded desire to accomplish something big; a drive to set out to train for a day that will ruthlessly unveil what you are really made of both physically and emotionally? Are you ready for that? Is that all there is to it?

Thursday, October 25, 2012
The Marathon! Take 2.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Take a moment...

Thursday, July 12, 2012
There is no Parenting 101

Friday, May 25, 2012
These moments are priceless
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
The Marathon!

Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Running with endurance. (Part II)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
The multiple personalities of multiples.
We used to think Taylor would be tough and gruff and Benjamin would be the studious and contemplative one. Before you begin labeling your kids, just wait a few weeks. They’re bound to change. It seems their big calling in life is to keep us guessing. Over the last few months we’ve created new labels for these little guys. The angry perfectionist and the totally chill T Dawg. The trick is not necessarily to guess which one represents which kid, but really which one represents which parent. That’s when it really gets interesting.

Benjamin is our angry perfectionist. If he can’t get it right, he begins to scream, pound and swing his arms wildly in the air. And, if you try to help him out, it only fuels the fire. We could add to his label: the independent, angry perfectionist. If the block is not stacked justright…if the lid isn’t propped up just so…if he flips two pages instead of just one…beware of the angry perfectionist. If the screaming and arm swinging doesn’t communicate as he would like, you’ll notice his very proper technique with regard to the downward dog. However, in yoga I don’t believe it is proper to yell and clench your fists while performing this move. Somehow this has largely eluded our little Benjamin.

So, you might now ask what characteristics encompass our totally chill T Dawg. It’s really very simple. While Benjamin is embarrassing himself through temper tantrums, Taylor is standing by, staring at lil’ B with a look on his face that says “Now what is your problem?” The acts that make Troy and I go crazy; seem to not faze our little Taylor in the least. He continues to suck on his fingers, pet his ear and look on as if he’s in his own comfortable little world.
There is never a dull moment when it comes to multiples. And I can honestly say, we love their multiple personalities.
(The only trick left is to guess which parent is which.)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Follow the leader
My kids operate on the mentality of “anything you can do I can do better.” They follow each other around the house proving this all day long. Taylor climbs the couch and Benjamin follows with such gusto that he almost launches himself over the back of the chair. Benjamin begins spinning around in circles and Taylor joins in with such speed and velocity that he almost face plants into the nearby wall. And let’s not even start with bath time. Troy and I often depart the bathroom soaked from head to toe after the boys made a show of how well they can splash. We’ve actually considered commencing the bed time routine in our swimsuits.
This game of follow the leader becomes even more of an issue when it comes to time-out. The boys seem to enjoy the act of disobedience. “No” means “Yes” and “Yes” means “Yes.” Needless to say, the boys are put on a lot of time-outs. Frankly, I’ve abandoned this method of discipline because it’s nearly impossible for me to keep them on time-out. It’s almost as if the word “No” means that one of the kids is doing something more fun than the other. It is the official calling of twin boys. It means, “this is really cool, you gotta come try it.” Meanwhile, I’m trying to keep Taylor on time-out as Benjamin is full speed ahead to commit the very act that just got his brother in trouble. And around and around it goes. Where it stops…
Another game the kids seem to enjoy…Marco Polo. Now Taylor can’t say “Marco” and Benjamin definitely can’t pronounce “Polo” but “Da?” and “Da.” Seem to work just fine for their purposes. It’s their twin brother locating device. Taylor calls out from the mudroom and a couple seconds later you’ll hear Benjamin’s response from the living room.
“What are you doing over there, bro? Anything I should check out.”
“No…Mom’s just changing my diaper. Again.”
With all this game playing the kids sure do work up a thirst, but be careful that you’re not enjoying a cold beer (or soda for your PG version) because within seconds the boys will be at your feet panting, mouth wide open, for their own taster. Yes…they literally pant like dogs begging for a treat. It’s somewhat endearing until you can’t finish a single beverage without a child breathing heavily into your face.
I still worry sometimes that I’m not a good enough parent, then I witness Taylor patting Benjamin’s head in an attempt to ease his crying and my heart melts for these boys. They care dearly for each other, even if Benjamin does like to put Taylor in a choke hold and giggle like the evil twin he is.