This trip was the trip of many firsts for the boys. Their first flight. Their first visit to Colorado. Their first taste of Mexican food. Their first time in the presence of the beauty of the flatirons. Of course, they were much too little to appreciate the change in their surroundings but we dream of future trips in which the mention of the mountains will excite their soul and they will look forward to other firsts. Their first hike. Their first time skiing. Their first hunting trip with Grandpa. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
I’m sure many parents will share in the anxiety that is felt as you approach the airport for the first time with kids in tow. We hoped that we had remembered to pack everything that would be needed for our four day adventure. We prayed that when the kids cried (because they surely would) that strangers would be compassionate and the boys wouldn’t scream too loud. Check-in went quickly and boarding was even quicker. When you travel as a family with little ones, you get special perks like boarding the plane first. What no one explains to you is that once you board you are stuck in a tiny, cramped space with two crazy little ones pulling your hair, climbing over the seats and startling you with random screeches and screams as they test their little vocal cords in this new environment. And the most important point: there’s nowhere to run. You’re stuck. And stuck we were for 3 ½ hours. Thankfully, after some forceful holding and loud shushing the boys fell peacefully asleep. Taylor slept on the floor in front of our seats and Benjamin in my arms. Troy and I looked at each other and mouthed the words “don’t move.”

I can’t even begin to explain how thankful we were when we finally landed in Denver. It had been two years since I had visited my hometown. To come back after that much time and with my 13 month old twin boys was exciting. I couldn't wait to see what it felt like to enjoy time with my family at the local hang outs that held so many memories from high school and college. It was my past meeting my present and when that happens you see how drastically things have changed. You can visualize more clearly how God has played the leading role in your life. We visited my old stomping grounds: Pearl Street Mall. It’s the perfect people-watching environment with its mix of street performers, yuppies and Boulderites hand-feeding squirrels. Oh how I miss this place.
We took in the mountains with the little time we had. Enjoying the views from the front range and even getting up to the mountains for a nice 5-mile run at an elevation that makes you feel like you’re breathing air out of a paper bag. We were running with the locals and I felt like I should have a huge sign on my shirt to explain “we’re from sea level.” But the view was worth it.

However, the best view was that of my little Benjamin reaching out for his Grandpa. When your parents live 2,000 miles away, watching them interact with your children is a real treat. I couldn't get enough of it. Many of you may know that Benjamin is very particular. He’s a sweet and sensitive little boy who loves his Mommy. In fact, he often refuses the attention from others and clutches even harder to my arm if he senses me handing him over. So, when Benjamin reached out for my Dad and refused to let go, I knew I had met my match. I like to think Benjamin can sense something just as sweet and sensitive in my Dad that makes him feel at ease in his arms. I want to get inside Benjamin’s head so I can visualize this intimate connection between him and my dad. Whatever it is I love it. And it makes my heart melt with joy.

I believe the boys truly enjoyed their first visit to Colorado. I know they found the locals just as interesting as we did. And because they’re still little kids they can blatantly stare at them without getting into too much trouble. We’ll have to work on their manners for our return trip.
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