Everything comes in twos.
At least that’s how it has been for us.
The other day, I heard a mother say that having a second child does not
mean double the work…it’s more like tripling it. It’s amazing how adding just one more of
something often translates into more than it seems it should. I thought about this last night as I was at
the park with my two boys and only one of my dogs. For those of you who know we have two dogs,
you might wonder “where was the other one?”
Well, I knew that bringing just that one more being to our outing at the
park would tip the scales just a hair too much.
I couldn’t imagine myself pushing the boys on the swing and chasing
after two dogs who would most likely get themselves wrapped around a tree as
they fight with each other over who gets to eat the goldfish the boys had inadvertently
(and purposefully) dropped on the ground.
Last night was a completely different story. I felt like a casual observer in the life of
my children. They played together like
the brothers they are and the best friends they are becoming. Benjamin was focused on his “lello dadu”
(translation: yellow tractor) while Taylor was doing the rounds on the
slide. “Watch this, B” Taylor yells from
the height of the top of the slide. Benjamin
was so intently focused on his tractor that he didn’t even take notice of
Taylor, so I replied “I’m watching you, Taylor”
His response wasn’t the one of my little boy who needs mommy to kiss his
“boo boo.” He responded with “No, want B” Once Benjamin took notice of Taylor’s
escapades, the rounds began. Taylor
would slide down, climb the stairs and yell again “B, watch this!”
Eventually, Benjamin decided to take part in the
action. They would rotate turns, yelling
all the while “Watch this, Taylor!” and
Taylor would respond “okay” as he stood up to concentrate on watching Benjamin’s
turn with extreme focus. His was a very
important job. As the minutes ticked by,
they showed each other their moves.
Sliding backwards. Sliding on
their belly. Sliding head first. And giggling up a storm each and every time. Oh how I wish I could be sitting on that park
bench right now, watching it all over again.
In reflection I began to think, if two is more than double
the work…could it be that two is also more than double the joy? If you asked me last night, I would say most
definitely. I pray that on those
mornings when Taylor wants to play with his “guy” and Benjamin throws it to the
back of the car just to spite him, amid the screaming I would remember the
joy that afternoon in the park brought and look forward to future joys with
these two boys who continue to be blessings in the most unexpected ways.